Cute little bunny delivering decorated eggs
Little ones looking for hidden treasure, sweet treats
Easter has been redesigned for the innocent

Ostara, Easter, Spring Equinox, the point of equal light and dark, a balance bringing us from one season to another. This holiday’s ancient roots go back to the Earth mother goddess, who is known by many names in many cultures. This time, marked by ritual and celebration, signals the last of Winter giving way to Spring.

The egg is a symbol of biological life, the time of conception, as well as Cosmic life. The yellow yolk symbolises the solar masculine energy; the white of the egg is for the lunar feminine energy. The shell is the container for the emerging life.

The bunny (rabbit, hare) is sacred to the Goddess, associated with the Moon in both eastern and western cultures.

The actual cleansing, physically and spiritually, of one’s house, work, and altars is appropriate, but this is also a time when spells for personal growth, money, reconciliation, renewal, and cleansing are well-suited:

  • An egg on a string hung in the window is good for psychic protection of the household. This may have been the origin of the silvered “witch ball.” 
  • Bury eggs in the foundation and walls of a building to prevent psychic attack.
  • A good way to work with renewal is to collect wood and make wands. If you are more adventuresome, collect enough  wood and twigs to make a broom.

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