The month of July is when we celebrate the birthday of the United States. The Founders, or the gentlemen who wrote the articles that would become the Constitution of the United States, looked to this new land as their “mother,” and felt a great sense of pride in the formation of a land where freedom for many things would be treasured and revered. The writing of the Declaration of Independence took many months, and July 4th was chosen as the birthday for America. In times past, parades and other outward symbols of patriotic pride were displayed, and more modern celebrations include barbecues and fireworks in the evening.
America was founded on the premise that a person could live the life that they wanted to make for themselves here. That premise still stands today, yet many differing opinions and thoughts on freedom have sometimes placed Americans at odds with each other. At times, one person’s view of freedom encroaches on another’s, causing dysfunction — even a Civil war — because of opposing views.
Still, the United States and the values that Americans hold dearly are the catalyst to make many people from around the World risk their life and limb to come to America. It is their Hope to create a life without violence and strife, political corruption and scrutiny, religious persecution and shame — the same ideals of that document signed over 242 years ago. Here is a candle devotion to the continued peace, greatness, and brotherly love that all Americans so desire.
Bible or Book of Psalms
Small paring knife, awl, screwdriver, or ritual knife
1 RED 7-day glass ‘novena’ style devotional candle
1 WHITE 7-day glass ‘novena’ style devotional candle
1 BLUE 7-day glass ‘novena’ style devotional candle
Lemon Juice or Florida Water
“Clarity” Anointing Oil
“Peace” or “Peaceful Home” Anointing Oil
“Attraction” Anointing Oil
White sheet of paper for you to write your desires/affirmations/prayers for unity in the United States and abundance, foresight, and forward movement for all citizens.
Optional: An item that represents America to you, such as a small Statue of Liberty, flag, eagle, or any other trinket or souvenir that reminds you of the United States.
1. Carve three holes in the form of a triangle (one on top, one to the lower left, one to the lower right) in each candle. Shake extra wax shavings out of the candle top.
2. With paper toweling, wipe down each candle with lemon juice or Florida Water. Let sit to dry.
3. Write your petition paper, remembering to include any personal names or prayers in the wording you write for the good of all United States residents.
4. Place petition paper in aluminum pie pan or oven-tempered glass baking dish (aka Pyrex or Anchor Hocking).
5. Pour a small amount of the Attraction Oil to fill each hole in the red candle.
6. Pour a small amount of the Clarity Oil to fill each hole in the white candle.
7. Pour a small amount of the Peace/Peaceful Home Oil to fill each hole in the blue candle.
8. Place the candles in a triangular position (see below) with the white candle at the apex or top of the triangle, the blue candle to the diagonal lower right from the white, and the red candle to the lower diagonal left of the white candle.
9. Pray Psalm 133 for Brotherly Love.
10. Pray Psalm 25 for Guidance and Protection.
11. You may then end your time in prayer and meditation with personal requests.
Burn these candles in a safe location in your home or personal altar/temple room until they are finished. If you must extinguish the candles while leaving the home, please do NOT blow them out, but use a saucer over them to snuff them out or use a candle snuffer. Re-light them when you are ready to resume your devotional time.
Once the candles have finished completely, take the glass containers and toss them in the recycling can or trash. Take the petition paper and fold it into a small square and tape or tack with a push pin over inside doorway to your home, so that all who enter your home come in peace and with brotherly love for you and your loved ones