As we are regrouping from a world pandemic, many families are finding themselves in need of extra or additional finances. Every now and then it is important to give our working altars a little boost. For example, feeding your lodestone on your money drawing Altar. You can also add additional coins or paper currency of multiple denominations on your altar. However, no need to panic, just get busy!
This ritual is designed to work with your candle on your money drawing altar.
Items Needed:
1. River water
2. Honey
3. 5 Nickels
4. Orange zest
5. Blue Flag Root
Day 1 (five days prior to the Full Moon)Step 1: Take a Cleansing Bath.
Step 2: Take the Orange zest and Blue Flag Root and add it to a cup or container of river water.
Step 3: Taste the honey.
Step 4: Add five drops of Honey to the River Water Mixture.
Step 5: Add five Nickels to the water.
Let this mixture sit under the moonlight for five nights ending on the Full Moon.
Day 5 (the night of the Full Moon)Step 1: Strain the River water.
Step 2: Add five drops of the water to your Money Power Bath during the hour of Venus.
Step 3: After your Money Power Bath, place the five anointed nickels on your Money Drawing Altar.
Step 4: Write your petition and place it under your candle.
Step 5: Light your candle and visualize money continuously flowing to you, as the rivers flow to the sea. Stay Focused! Stay Positive! Stay Blessed!