One of the things I love about doing spellwork is the forgiving nature of magic. If you don’t do it right the first time, you always get another go at it. Part of the human condition is making mistakes. If you aren’t making a mistake, you’re not trying anything risky. And I believe that if you aren’t taking a risk, you’re living half a life.
A powerful magical tool that gives us the chance to start over again is the Rose of Jericho, or the Resurrection Plant.
When the weather is dry, these desert ferns dry up almost completely, curling up into a brown ball and remaining dormant until the rains come. They can survive in this dried out dormant state for years, but when they are exposed to water, they “resurrect” or come back to life over the course of a few days, opening up and turning green, as you can see in the time-lapse video above.
The Rose of Jericho shines in spells where you need to revive or resurrect something, such as lost prosperity. To do some financial work with a Rose of Jericho, just follow these super-easy steps:
- Place the dried plant with its roots down in a shallow dish of spring water in your home or business on a Friday.
- If you can, place it on a money altar or another special and sacred place.
- Each day, pour the water off the plant and add new spring water.
- Retain the water that you pour off, as this is Rose of Jericho water, a powerful prosperity blessing water that you can sprinkle around your home or business or apply to yourself or your loved ones.
- After a few days in water the plant will begin to unfold and turn green. As it does, you will see signs of new financial opportunities.
Once your prosperity has increased, give the Rose of Jericho a little rest. Take it out of the water and let it go back to its dormant state. The Rose of Jericho has done its work, giving your prosperity a jumpstart.